Overwhelmed with life…but I can always count on Dave.

I am at the end with everything. I know I am just being dramatic and overly whiney today, and probably too sensitive, but that is the point I am at right now. I am not happy with work. I want more time with Turner. I want more time with my family. I want more time with friends. I want things that I know are impossible and completely unattainable, and that has gotten me really discouraged and down today. So like always, when I am having the worst of bad days, I put Dave Matthews Band on repeat.

A solid 8 hour therapy session of Dave, and while nothing will change, I feel better. Or at least relax enough to tolerate things a little better. While zipping through the Dave Matthews Channel on You Tube (because I can’t get the I Heart Radio state I created for Dave to play, adding to my anxiety today), I have come to this video and haven’t been able to move on. I just keep playing it on repeat. While there are so many things I want to say, I think this song sums it up. It articulates feelings and emotions far better than I can. I mean, this song is piece of musical genius. You just cannot go wrong with Dave. So listen and be inspired. So here you go. 
